Why sell with LFA KIDS?

• Earn 60% of the selling price of your items!
• Set your own selling price!
• It's easy! Step by step instructions. (Too busy? Use our BUSY MOM Service).
• Once you bring us your items, we do the rest!
• Nightly online viewing of sold items and earnings.
• Checks will be available when you pick up your unsold items.
• We handle all the advertising, bringing in shoppers who are looking for exactly what you are selling.
• Shop early at the consignor pre-sale before the public.
• Shop even earlier by volunteering before, during or after the sale.

Steps to Sell as a D-I-Y Seller

1. Click here to register as a new consignor or here to log in as a returning consignor.

​2. Look over the list of what to bring (and not to bring) for consignment.

​3. Enter your items, pricing them to sell.  We recommend 30% of retail.  We have tons of 0 - 18M clothes, price low and there is a limit of 50 in total.  Too busy to consign?  Use our Busy Mom Service!

4. Print your tags on paper or avery labels.

5. Hang and tag your items.  Click here for instructions.  Tip:  Mark your hangers with colored tape to make finding your items on the racks easier on pick up day.

6. Drop off at the sale location during your scheduled drop-off time.

7. Come and shop during your special pre-sale time and 50% off day.


There is only ONE pick up day! See the sale info page for day and time. ALL ITEMS LEFT AFTER PICK UP WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY,  WE CANNOT HOLD ITEMS. PLEASE leave enough time to retrieve your items during pick up time.