How does LFA KIDS work?
We have nearly 400 families (sellers/consignors) who bring items to our events. They prepare their things using our easy-to-follow step-by-step guide and bring them to the sale ready for purchase. The event staff groups all like items together, creating one big "store", and sells the items to thousands shoppers! Sellers do not need to be present during the event and there are no individual "booths". And best of all, our sellers/consignors shop before the public during our Seller Pre-Sale! Join us!
How do I earn the most on my items?
1. Remember to bring your best! Preparing your items takes time and you want it to be worthwhile. For each item ask yourself if you would buy it?
Do I have to prepare my items?
We encourage our sellers to prepare their own items. After all, you know what you paid, their size and overall condition best. But we do also offer our Busy Mom Tagging Service where our experienced staff will prepare your things! This service is perfect for busy families who don’t have the time or desire to prepare their own items. Our Busy Mom Service is available year-round and we provide all of the necessary supplies including hangers and tags. Please note that sellers who prepare their own items, known as a D-I-Y Seller earn 60% of their sold items. Busy Mom Sellers earn 40%.
What is Drop & Go?
We offer sellers the option to Drop & Go, eliminating the need to place their items on the sales floor. Items received through Drop & Go will be placed on tables for our Team to sort and place on the floor. To qualify, sellers must either bring a minimum of 3 x-large items (strollers, etc) or pay $5.00 that will be donated to a local charity.
Do sellers shop before the public?
Yes, we have exclusive Seller Pre-sale shopping times for sellers and our TEAM LFA Crew.
Will you accept all of my items?
We screen items closely to maintain the quality of the sale. It is often easy to miss a spot or a tear when you are getting your items ready at home. We want to be known for having the best quality merchandise. Many of our consignors are also our biggest shoppers and we want you to have confidence that you are buying the best at LFA Kids.
May someone else pick up my check and unsold items?
Anyone can drop-off or pick up your items but make certain they know your seller number. **Note: Any questions you may have regarding your check MUST be addressed at the sale during pick-up times.
Do you provide sold items reports for sellers?
Seller reports for each participating consignor are uploaded daily during each event to your consignor page. To view estimated sales during an event or to view your final report at the end of a sale, simply login to your Seller's home page .
What happens to my unsold items?
All unsold items left at the end of the sale will be immediately donated to a charity selected by LFA KIDS.